Monday, June 13, 2011

Hello from Gridley, California

Hello world!!!! I am in California!!! Gridley California to be frank. California Gridley first ward to be the frankest! My companion and i were "shot-gunned" in here. Which means the other elders that were here both got transferred out. Anyway my Companion is Elder Osejo. Man it was hard to pronounce! but oh well i am good at it now. He has been out twenty months so he will probably "die" with me so i am his first born son and last born. so its been cool. he has taught me alot. i like him a ton. He is from Bristol Tennesse! 

Elder Osejo in front of the missionary house in Gridley

we live in our own little house! its really cool! we have a car which is uncommon for a greenie. but we whip out the bikes every once in a while. its crazy. the weather here is hottttt! but its been fine.

Elder Simons in first area: Gridley, California
Oh by the way guess who i went on splits with??? Elder walkenhorst! Man that guy is so funny!! we went tracting and he was just singing his songs to me and i was laughing pretty hard. but its been fun. elder osejo and i are starting to really get closer. its nice. i am glad he is my trainer. we have fun. the beds are nice and comfy.  i need to find pillows though. no where sells them here. Gridley is such a small town. The work is just a bit slow right now cause we are so new and stuff but we got to know the ward leadership so thats been nice. we found a couple potential investigators while tracting so that has been cool. So a cool story acutally...we were walking down this street knocking on some doors and this guy is like 'no get outta here!' and i was like 'dang!' but we kept going to the next house and it was some members so they let us come in and we talked for five minutes or so. So we leave and this guy is like 'hey come back guys'. He is sitting on the curb and said, 'talk to me'. So we started to and he believes in Jesus And everything good and also feels a need for modern day prophets. We are going to go back wednesday or something. He just got out of jail so he needs some help. but he is pretty stuck at home, he has to watch over his dying parents. i hope we can  meet with him and everything goes well.
It was so hard to leave Elder bowerman. Man i cant wait to see him again. i miss that dude!
HMMM oh dad.. sister justesen? or something like that. she wants you to give sister wright her best. and said that she is taking care of elder simons.

So yeah this has been fun!
Elder Simons


  1. Just thought I'd mention that Mark was born in Gridley! Wilson looks super happy. Love reading about his experiences. We will be in Utah in a few days. Hopefully we can see you guys while we're there.

  2. I just thought I would let you know I stopped by the web page. Elder Simons continues to do a great work here in Gridley, CA. He is training Elder Bueler from Highland, UT. It's a big responsibility and he is helping his companion get settled and excited about Missionary Work. We love having him in Gridley. He is down to earth, compassionate and fun! Sister Heather Payne
